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What is Difference Between MBR & GPT

Hard Disk Partition:

You know that you can divide your hard disk into several partitions. The question is how the OS knows the structure of the partitions on the hard disk? This information must come from somewhere. It is there that the Master Boot Record (MBR) and Guid Partition Table (GPT) come into play. Although both architecturally different as playing the same role in the management of and provide information on a partition on your hard disk.

Master Boot Record (MBR):

The MBR is the old standard hard disk partition management, and it is still widely used by many people. The MBR is located at the beginning of the disk, and it maintains information about the order in which the topics are organized into logical storage device. In addition the MBR also contains executable code that can scan sections for the active operating system and download for OS code/process.
The MBR disk can have only four primary partitions. To create multiple partitions, you can install the fourth section as an extended partition and you will be able to create multiple secondary partitions (or logical drives). As 32 bit uses the MBR to save section, each section only can go up to a maximum of 2 TB in size. Here is the typical structure of an MBR disk:

There are some pitfalls with the MBR. First of all, you can have 4 partitions on your drive hard and each partition is limited to 2 TB in size. It works well with a large hard drive storage space, say 100 TB. The second member is the only place that contains the partition information. If he has never damaged (and Yes, it can be damaged very easily), all of the hard disk is not readable.

GUID Partition Table (GPT):

TPG is the latest standard for hard disk partitions. It uses globally unique identifiers (GUID) to identify the partition, and it is part of the UEFI. This means that the UEFI system (which is not required for Secure Boot de Windows 8), it is important to use the GPT. With GPT theoretically unlimited number of sections you can create on your hard disk, even if it is usually limited to 128 partitions, most of the OS. In contrast to the MBR, which limits each section only 2 TB in size, each GPT partition can contain up to 2 ^ 64 units of length (because it uses 64-bit), which is equivalent to 9.44 ZB for a block of 512 bytes (1 ZB-1 billion terabytes). In Microsoft Windows, this size is limited to 256 TB.

The GPT table schema diagram above, you can see that there is a primary at the beginning of the hard disk GPT and the secondary GPT ultimately. This is what makes it more useful than the GPT MBR. The GPT stores the header array backup and the section at the end of the disk, so it can be restored if the main table is damaged. There also CRC32 checksums to detect errors and corruption and the partition table header.

You can also see that there is a protective MBR on the first sector of the hard disk. Such a hybrid installation is based on the system BIOS to boot from the GPT disk using the boot loader in the MBR of the field of the security code. In addition, it protects any GPT disk, do not know of a GPT disk utility.


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